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Rid Your Home Of All Unwanted Pests

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Total visits: 141
Posted on: 08/18/22

It may feel overwhelming if you have pests living in your home. The pests might even appear to be doubling or tripling in numbers, regardless of your efforts. If you feel this way, the article below has pest control tips that you need to read.

An easy way to control pests around your home is to always put food in air tight containers. Bugs are attracted all kinds of human food. When you reduce the access to this food by placing in air tight containers, you will reduce the chances of having a pest control problem.

If you decide to use pesticide, keep in mind that these harmful chemicals could hurt your pets. If possible, have someone take care of your pets until you get rid of your pest problem. Make sure the food you give to your pets does not come in contact with the pesticides.

Make sure that when you install your windows, they come equipped with screens for protection. Screens can serve as a very strong line of defense for bugs, as most will not get into your home if you have a good screen up. This small investment can save a lot of trouble in the future.

Be preventative, not just reactive. Yes, you need to kill whatever pests you have in your home, but be sure to also treat how the problem began in the first place! Is there a crack in your flooring that brought pests in? Get it fixed. Is there a habit that food is left out? Change the practice. This will keep these pests from coming back again and again.

If you live in an apartment complex or multi-unit condo complex, unite with your neighbors. Anything you try to do to control pests in your own unit will be unsuccessful if all the other units in your building are infested. Get together with the residents of your building and schedule pest control for the entire building to deal with the problem.

Make your own inexpensive ant traps using boric acid and sweet liquid. Mix a couple of tablespoons of boric acid powder into a cup of honey, molasses, or simple syrup. Pour the mixture into bottle caps or shallow plastic lids. Place these traps in areas where you have seen ants, but keep them out of the reach of children and pets.

If you hear bees in the walls of your home, never try to plug their access hole. This will trap them inside, and they will attempt to break free. Unfortunately, this means that they could come through the wall, into your home. You will have no choice at that point but to exit the premises and call a pest control specialist.

Put your pets food and water away at night. Pet food is a great meal for most insects and rodents. Having water next to it will only give them something to wet their mouth with. Putting the food and water away will not get rid of the pests, but it will at least reduce where they can get food from.

An effective solution for pest control is an electronic pest repellant. They can be plugged in each room and let off a noise that repels rodents. Humans and pets are able to hear the sound, but it is in no way harmful. Rodents will leave the vicinity since the sound bothers them.

Its no fun killing off all the pests around your house. Some people take years to fully eradicate them. Use the above advice to eliminate pests, for good. By doing this, you can finally enjoy sleeping in a pest-free home.

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